Posts for Tag: daltanius

How cool is this? Voltron now on Hulu!

Posterous is having a little trouble pulling in the main show page (check it out here).  I loved this show growing up.  Hulu is showing the first season which is the Lion Force Voltron.  However, the one I was really into was the Vehicle Voltron which was 15 separate vehicles.  There was supposed to be a third version of Voltron made up of 3 separate pieces (the one with a lion's head as the chest).  That one never made it to air but was featured in commercials for the first two Voltrons.  The crazy part was I actually had the toy (Daltanius) that the third Voltron was supposed to be based on years before Voltron ever hit US television so I was really hoping to see one of my favorite toys animated.  Oh well...