Posts for Tag: search and rescue

The Council of the International Maritime Organization Award for Exceptional Bravery at Sea - Go Contis!

Mr. Maurice Conti and Mrs. Sophie Conti, United States citizens, nominated by New Zealand, for the rescue, in rough seas, of three crew members from the yacht Timella, which had grounded and then sunk, off a remote South Pacific coral reef. The Contis are non-professional sailors who, at the time of the incident, were sailing with their young family. They planned and executed the rescue in the middle of the night (12 13 October 2008), exposing themselves to considerable risk, in the absence of marine/aviation rescue assets.

My friend Maurice and his wife Sophie are being honored by the IMO for their brave rescue of the yacht Timella last fall. I originally posted about this a few months back. Check out the original post with the news video clip about the rescue.

Tragedy in the news

Was reading Techcrunch this morning and saw the terrible news regarding the passing of Rob Williams. My thoughts go out to his family and friends. On top of this, I've been intently following the developing story of the four football players who were lost at sea (one rescued so far). I'm hoping for a good outcome there.
A friend of mine, Maurice, is an avid sailor and he suggested carrying an emergency homing GPS when embarking on any slightly adventurous trip. These things cost about $750-$1,000 but allow search and rescue teams to know exactly where you're at within a 50-75 foot radius, anywhere in the world. And Maurice definitely knows a thing or two about search and rescue - check out the video below.